Nezar AlSayyad Logo
Public Lectures and Meeting Presentations
Mar 2018“Open Conversations with Nezar AlSayyad”Egypt
Invited talk,
at Dar Al-Labana Lecture Series, Cairo, Egypt.
Mar 2018Symposium on Urban GovernanceSaudi Arabia
“Opening Address on Urban Governance,”
in a Comparative Perspective, King Salman Center for Local Governance, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Feb 2018“Legitmating Heritage,” in Preserving Iraq’s HeritageUnited Kingdom
Keynote address,
in a Postwar Era Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Feb 2018“On the Possibilities of Urban Citizenship”United Kingdom
Paper Presentation,
at the Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar, CRASSH Working Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Jan 2018Architecture Curriculum Workshop,Kuwait
“Opening address”,
Kuwait University, Kuwait.
Dec 2017“Heritage and Architecture”Serbia
Keynote address,
in Balkan Patterns Conference, Balkan Biennale, Belgrade, Serbia
Dec 2017“An Architecture Conversation,”India
Invited talk,
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonipat, India
Dec 2017“Urban History vs. History of Planning,” Short one week courseIndia
Main Lecturer,
at School of Architecture and Planning, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
Oct 2017“Tradition, Heritage and politics,”Portugal
Invited Public Lecturer,
at Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Jul 2017“Architecture, Heritage and Tourism”France
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in Architecture and Tourism Conference, held at the Sorbonne, Paris, France.
May 2017“Tourism and Fundamentalism”Canada
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in Tourism and Patrimony Conference, Universite Laval, Québec, Canada.
Apr 2017“Arab Culture at the Cross-Road”Saudi Arabia
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in First International Memaryat Conference, Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Apr 2017“Architecture and IdentityUnited States
Invited Public Lecture,
in the Age of Globalization” at Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, Catholic Unviersity of America, Washington, D.C.
Mar 2017“Cairo: Consuming Tradition” atSustaining HeritageEgypt
Invited keynote address,
in the Digital Age Conference, Cairo, Egypt.
Feb 2017at the Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar,United Kingdom
Invited Discussant
CRASSH Working Group,University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Nov 2016“The Power of Place”United States
Invited public lecture,
in International Studies Institute Lecture Series, University of Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Nov 2016“The State of Arab Urbanism”Jordan
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in 5th International Architectural Conference of the Jordanian Engineers Association, Amman, Jordan.
Nov 2016“Fundamentalism and the City”Germany
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in Symposium of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
Oct 2016“Inclusion and Exclusion in Arab Cities”Qatar
Invited talk,
in Pluralism and Community in the Middle East Symposium, Center for International Regional Studies, Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar.
Apr 2016“Architecture and GlobalizationUnited States
Invited public lecture,
in the Middle East” in at School of Architecture Lecture Series, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Apr 2016“Heritage and the Problem of Tradition”Canada
Invited public lecture,
at Institut du PatrimoineCulturel, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
Feb 2016“Is Urban Citizenship Possible?”United Kingdom
Invited Speaker,
at Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Seminar, CRASSH Working Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Jan 2016“The Death and Life of the Fundamentalist City,”Georgia
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in the International Conference Religious Pluralism and the City, Darmstadt, Germany.
Nov 2015“Architecture and National Identity,”Qatar
Invited Keynote Speaker,
in Learning from Education City Conference, Doha, Qatar.
Oct 2015“Globalization and Architecure,”Egypt
Invited public lecture,
Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Sep 2015“Urban Uprising: Middle East and Elsewhere,”Sweden
Invited public lecture,
School of Architecture, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Sep 2015“On Tahrir Square,”Sweden
Invited public lecture,
School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockhom, Sweden.
Jun 2015“Diversity and Change from the Vernacular to the Global,”Australia
Invited Keynote Speaker,
at Delivering Diversity for the 21stCentry Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Jun 2015“Virtual Uprisings and the Architecture of Revolt,”Australia
Invited public lecture,
Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Jun 2015“From the Arab ‘Spring’ to the Arab ‘Winter’:Australia
Invited public lecture,
Urban Uprisings and Social Media,” CAMEA Lecture Series, School of Architecture & the Built Environment, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Apr 2015“Urban Uprisings and Virtual Media,”Jordan
Invited public lecture,
Columbia University Global Center, Amman, Jordan.
Mar 2015“Globalization and the Architecture of the Middle East,”Egypt
Invited public lecture,
American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.
Feb-2015From Tahrir Square to Occupy Wall StreetUnited States
Invited Keynote Speaker,
at Rethinking Global Cities Conference, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Feb-2015The Struggle for CitizenshipUnited Kingdom
at Topographies of Citizenship John Harvard Symposium, CRASSH Working Group, Cambridge Univesrity, United Kingdom.
Dec-2014Whose Tradition?Malaysia
Opening and closing remarks at
the 14th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Tradtional Environments, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Nov-2014Vernacular to Modern: Discourses on TraditionChina
Invited lecture,
Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Oct-2014The State of Research in Vernacular ArchitectureTurkey
Invited Keynote Speaker,
at the 7th International Symposium on Vernacular Settlements, organized by Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Oct-2014From Tahrir to Occupy CentralHong Kong
Invited lecture,
Lecture Series of the School of Architecture at Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
Sep-2014Fundamentalism and RevolutionSingapore
Invited lecture,
Lecture Series of the School of the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore NUS, Singapore.
Sep-2014Tahrir and the Virtual UprisingSingapore
Invited lecture,
Lecture Series of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, National University of Singapore NUS, Singapore.
Jan-2014From Vernacularism to Globalization: Settlement in the Arab WorldUnited States
Invited Speaker,
Lecture Series of Dar al-Athar al-Islamiya, The Islamic Museum, Kuwait, U.A.E.
Oct-2013The Struggle for EgyptUnited States
Keynote Speaker,
Middle East Futures Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
May-2013Cities and the Arab SpringQatar
Invited Keynote Speaker,
Yale Alumni Association Arab Conference entitled, "Navigating the Tides: Urban Transformation in the Arab World,", Doha, Qatar.
Mar-2013Religion & the Cities of the Arab SpringUnited States
Invited Keynote Speaker,
the Ajman International Conference on Urban Planning, Ajman, U.A.E
Oct-2012The Myth of TraditionUnited States
Opening and Closing remarks,
the 13th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Portland, Oregon .
May-2012The Arab Spring: An International SymposiumTurkey
Symposium Chair and Speaker,
organized by Istanbul Ayden University, Istanbul, Turkey.
May-2012Fundamentalism, Religiosity and the CityUnited States
Invited Speaker,
International Symposium on Religious Violence and Cities, Queens University, Belfast.
May-2012The 'Islam', 'Arab', 'Middle Eastern' City: Reflection on an Urban ConceptLebanon
Invited Keynote Speaker,
The City Debates 2012 Conference, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
Mar-2012Cities of the Arab SpringIndonesia
Invited Keynote Speaker,
Urban Revolution in the Age of Global Urbanism Conference, Tarumangara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mar-2012Modernity Struggles of the Islamic City in a Global ContextTurkey
Invited Keynote Speaker,
Planning Turkish Cities Conference, Organized by the Municipality of Pursaklan and Yildirim Bayezit University, Ankara, Turkey.
Mar-2012Culture, Heritage and IdentityFrance
Invited Speaker and Moderator,
Qatar Urban Forum, Cannes, France.
Feb-2012The Religious City, the Fundamentalist CityGermany
Invited Keynote Speaker,
Global Prayers Conference, organized by the House of World Cultures Museum, Berlin, Germany.
Jun-2011Tradition, Identity, Culture, and the Arts in Central China.China
Keynote Speaker,
Art and Design Forum, Jingdazhen and Chong Qing, China.
Apr-2011The Middle East in ContextUnited States
Session co-chair,
at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, New Orleans, LA.
Apr-2011The Fundamentalist City or Medieval ModernitySweden
Invited Speaker,
Lecture Series of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund, Sweden.
Mar-2011Tahrir Square Earns its NameEgypt
Keynote Speaker,
Syposium on the Future of Tahrir Square, Ministry of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.
Mar-2011Fundamentalism, Medievalism, and UrbanismUnited Kingdom
Invited Speaker,
Lecture Series of the School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Castle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
Dec-2010Utopia of TraditionLebanon
Opening remarks at
the 12th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Beirut, Lebanon.
Oct-2010Consuming Heritage and the End of Tradition.United States
Invited Speaker,
Lecture Series at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Oct-2010Cinematic Urbanism in the Middle EastUnited States
Session Chair,
at the Second Biennial Symposium of the Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA).
Jul-2010Consuming Heritage and the End of TraditionUnited States
Keynote Speaker,
3rd international conference on Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place, hosted by Arte-Polis 3 and the Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia.
Jun-2010The Fundamentalist City?United States
Invited speaker,
at the Megacities Workshop,, sponsored by the New Encyclopedia Project, University of California, Irvine.
Mar-2010Ajman International Conference: Sustainable Development Reshaping CitiesUnited Arab Emirates
Invited Speaker and Session Chair,
Ajman University, United Arab Emirates.
Nov-2009Peer Review ColloquiumNetherlands
Invited assessor at
at Delft University, Netherlands.
Sep-2009Identity, Culture, and UrbanismUnited Kingdom
Invited keynote speaker,
at the conference Urban Identities, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Jul-2009Problematizing Urban ModernityFrance
Invited speaker,
in the Concept of Urban Change Symposium, Les Treilles Foundation, France.
May-2009New Research in the Field of Urban StudiesBrazil
Invited speaker, presentation on
at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Feb-2009Neither Homogeneity nor Heterogeneity: Modernity StrugglesCanada
Invited speaker,
at the Knowledge of Construction Workshop, for the Aga Khan Development Network Seminar in Vancouver, Canada.
Dec-2008Interrogating TraditionUnited States
Opening remarks at
the 11th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Oxford, England.
Oct-2008Colonial Modernities Conference and ExhibitUnited States
Invited keynote speaker,
organized by the House of World Cultures Museum in Berlin, German
Mar-2008Heritage and TraditionUnited States
Invited speaker,
Lecture Series of the School of Architecture, University of Minnesota, MN.
Jan-2008The Modernity of Ethnicity and Race in the Cinematic City of the 1980sFrance
Invited keynote speaker,
at the conference Globalization, Violence, and Visual Cultures, University of London Institute, Paris, France.
Dec-2007The End of Tradition in the Middle East RegionLebanon
Invited speaker,
Lecture Series in the Department of Architecture & Design, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon.
Oct-2007Consuming Heritage or the End of TraditionUnited States
Invited speaker,
Hearst Lecture Series in the Department of Architecture, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA.
May-2007Spin and Journalism: An Uneasy CoexistenceTurkey
Invited plenary session moderator of
at the Annual Conference of the International Press Institute, Istanbul Turkey.
Apr-2007Empire and the Clash of CivilizationsQatar
Invited plenary session organizer of
at the 7th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade in Doha, Qatar.
Apr-2007Open Session Track at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural HistoriansUnited States
Invited chair of the
Pittsburgh, PA.
Mar-2007Post-Tradition, Hyper-Traditions and the End of TraditionBelgium
Invited keynote speaker,
at the Annual Conference of the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage, Bruges, Belgium.
Opening remarks at
the 10th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Bangkok, Thailand.
Dec-2006South of Doxiades: Other Ideas from EgyptGreece
Invited keynote speaker,
at the Space and Progress Conference, Athens, Greece.
Nov-2006Urban InclusionSpain
Invited speaker,
at the Inclusive Cities Conference at the Center for Contemporary Culture, Barcelona, Spain.
Jun-2006Inclusive Cities Working GroupUnited States
Invited participant at the
Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
May-2006Consuming Heritage or the End of TraditionUnited Kingdom
Invited speaker,
at the California House, University of California Trust, London, U.K.
Apr-2006Architects’ Architectural HistoriesGeorgia
Session chair and organizer of
at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Savannah Georgia.
Mar-2006Consuming Heritage or the End of TraditionHong Kong
Invited speaker,
at the New Heritage Forum, University of Hong Kong.
Mar-2006Berkeley Club of Hong KongHong Kong
Invited guest speaker at the
and co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the American Institute of Architects, Hong Kong.
Feb-2006Culture, Identity, and Urbanism in the Changing WorldAustralia
Invited keynote speaker,
at the First International Symposium on Environment Behavior: People in Place in People, University of Sydney, Australia.
Jan-2006Shangri-La Unfolding: Place, Space, Decorative ArtUnited States
Invited speaker and discussant at the
held at the Doris Duke Foundation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sep-2005Medieval Modernity/ Hybrid UrbanismUnited States
Invited keynote speaker,
at the Santa Fe Conference of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
Jul-2005Heritage, Tradition and Their LimitsUnited States
Invited keynote speaker,
International Fellows Program, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI.
Apr-2005Democracy and Global Islam ConferenceUnited States
Opening remarks at the
University of California, Berkeley.
Apr-2005‘Double Readings’: Encounters between Islam and the WestUnited States
Session chair and organizer of
at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vancouver, B.C.
Mar-2005Virtual Cairo ReconsideredUnited States
Invited speaker,
Lecture Series at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Mar-2005Visualizing CairoUnited States
Invited speaker,
Lecture Series at Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, NY.
Feb-2005Consuming Heritage or the End of TraditionUnited States
Invited keynote speaker,
at the 4th Annual Symposium: Architecture and Regionalism, Savannah, GA.
Feb-2005The End of Tradition and Medieval Modernity: At the Dawn of a Post Global EraUnited Arab Emirates
Invited speaker,
at the American University of Sharjah, UAE
Dec-2004Post-Traditional Environments in a Post-Global WorldUnited Arab Emirates
Opening remarks at
The Ninth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Dubai, UAE.
Nov-2004Globalization, Urbanization, and Development SymposiumUnited States
Invited speaker at the
organized by the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Oct-2004Virtual CairoUnited States
Invited talk,
at the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Lecture Series, U.C. Berkeley, CA.
Jul-2004Identity and Cultural DominationSpain
Invited keynote address,
at Barcelona Cultural Forum, Dialogue on Globalization and Diversity, Barcelona, Spain.
Jul-2004Medieval ModernitySpain
(with Ananya Roy) at the Annual Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS,) Barcelona, Spain.
Feb-2004Outreach and Public Programs in a Polarized ContextUnited States
Keynote address,
at the Fourth Annual Conference of National Resource Center Directors, United States Department of Education, Santa Fe, NM.
Apr-2003Regional Implications of the WarUnited States
Address at the Chancellor's forum, Implications of the War in Iraq, organized by International Area Studies, U.C. Berkeley.
Apr-2003Consuming Tradition in an Area of PreservationUnited Arab Emirates
Lecture Series at American University, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Mar-2003Manufacturing Heritage: Middle Eastern PerspectivesUnited States
Keynote address,
at Local Sites of Global Practice: The Middle East, Yale University.
Dec-2002Unbounding TraditionHong Kong
Opening remarks at
The Eighth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Hong Kong.
Apr-2001Hybrid Urbanism: Middle Eastern PerspectivesCanada
at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada
Oct-2000The End of TraditionItaly
Opening Remarks at
the Seventh Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Trani, Italy
May-2000Virtual Cairo: Representation Versus InterpretationUnited States
Invited talk,
at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.
Dec-1999On the Manufacture of Heritage in the age of TourismHong Kong
Invited keynote speaker,
at the Heritage and Tourism Conference organized by the Government of Hong Kong.
Dec-1998Manufacturing Heritage/ Consuming TraditionEgypt
Opening Remarks at
the Sixth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Cairo, Egypt.
Mar-1998Virtual Cairo: Telling History to a General PublicUnited States
Invited talk,
at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin
Feb-1998Virtual Cairo: Representation Versus InterpretationUnited States
Invited talk,
at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.
Jan-1998Virtual Cairo: The Making of a Multimedia ProjectUnited States
Invited talk,
at the Berkeley Multimedia Resource Center Annual Conference, University of California at Berkeley.
Nov-1997Virtual Cairo: An Urban Design HistoryUnited States
Public presentation,
at the College of Environmental Design Lecture Series, University of California at Berkeley.
Apr-1997The Courtyard House Across Cultures ConferenceUnited States
Closing remarks at
held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Dec-1996Identity, Tradition and Built FormUnited States
Opening remarks at
the Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Berkeley, California, USA.
Jul-1996Housing and GlobalizationTurkey
Invited talk,
at Housing and Culture Conference held at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Jul-1996Housing, Identity and CultureTurkey
Invited talk,
at HABITAT II: The City Summit, organized by the United Nations, Istanbul, Turkey.
May-1996Contesting the Madina: Dualities in the Study of Islamic UrbanismMorocco
Invited talk,
at The America Institute for Maghribi Studies, Tangier, Morocco.
Apr-1996The Temporal Reality of Traditional HabitatsTurkey
Invited paper,
at the United Nations Development Programme Conference: The Next Millennium: Cities for People in a Globalizing World, Marmaris, Turkey.
Aug-1995Some Thoughts on Housing AlternativesBrunei
Invited lecture and Workshop,
at the Ministry of Development, Bandan Sir Begawan, Brunei.
Jun-1995Arab Architecture and the Issue of IdentityEgypt
Invited lecture,
at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
May-1995Third World Architecture and the Question of HousingSouth Africa
Invited lecture
at the Schools of Architecture at the University of Capetown and the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Apr-1995Culture, Identity, and Urbanism in a Changing WorldUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, DC, USA.
Feb-1995The Early Cities of IslamBahrain
Public Lecture Series of Beit Al-Quran in Manama, Bahrain.
Jan-1995Traditional Architecture: The Myth and RealityBahrain
Invited keynote address,
at the Bahrain Society of Engineers Conference held in Manama, Bahrain.
Dec-1994Traditional Settlements: From Colonialism to GlobalizationTunisia
Keynote address,
at Value in Tradition, the Fourth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Tunis, Tunisia.
Nov-1994Housing and the Nation-State: The Case of TunisiaTunisia
Invited lecture,
at the American Research Center in Tunis, Tunisia.
Nov-1994Local Planning Practices in the United StatesTunisia
Invited lecture,
at Technological Institute of Art, Architecture, and Urbanism of Tunisia (ITAAUT), Tunis, Tunisia.
Sep-1994The Traditional Architecture and Urbanism of the Islamic WorldUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Lecture Series, Nevada, USA.
May-1994Computer Simulation: Medieval Islamic CitiesItaly
at the Bologna Symposium on New Methods in Architectural Media, organized by the School of Architecture, Ferrara, Italy.
Apr-1994At Home with Mother Earth: Akkiwan.United States
Public Presentation of the video documentary co-written and co-produced by Nezar AlSayyad, College of Environmental Design Lecture Series, University of California at Berkeley, California, USA.
Apr-1993Medieval Urbanism in Europe and the Middle EastUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dec-1992Buildings and ProjectsUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the College of Environmental Design Lecture Series, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA.
Oct-1992Development vs. TraditionFrance
Opening remarks at
the Third Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Paris, France.
Jul-1992Balance and ImbalanceItaly
Invited lecture,
at the International Laboratory for Architecture and Urban Design (ILAUD), Urbino, Italy.
Apr-1992The Islamic City: On the Transfer of IdeasUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the San Francisco Planning Department, Lecture Series, San Francisco, California.
Apr-1992The Genesis of Cairo and Its DevelopmentUnited States
Keynote lecture,
at the Egyptian American Organization Annual Event, Los Angeles, California.
Mar-1992An Architect Between Two WorldsUnited States
Invited lecture,
at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Lecture Series, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Mar-1992Ph.D. Programs in Architecture and the Academic-Professional LinkageUnited States
at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Nov-1991Architectural Education and the Global TransformationsPuerto Rico
Keynote lecture,
at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Administrators Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Jul-1991Dwelling Form and Desert CultureUnited States
Keynote lecture,
at the Design for Desert Living Conference, organized by the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
May-1991Housing Policy and Housing FormUnited States
Keynote Lecture,
at the Housing: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Conference organized by the School of Architecture of the University of California, San Diego, California, USA.
Apr-1991Baghdad and Al-Qahirah: On the Genesis of Urban FormUnited States
at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Oct-1990A Course of ActionUnited States
Concluding remarks,
at First World/Third World: Duality and Coincidence in Traditional Environments, the Second Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, held at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Nov-1989Architectural Education and the First World/Third World Dilemma: A SymposiumUnited States
at Third International Forum on Built Form and Culture Research, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
Oct-1989The Early Towns of Arab Islam: Towards a History of PlanningUnited States
at the Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Apr-1989Basra and Kouffa: Arab and Western Attitudes on Muslim Urban FormCanada
at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Nov-1988The Arab Muslim Garrison TownUnited States
at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jun-1988Urban Open Space Between East and WestUnited States
Invited speaker,
at the Public Lecture Series, School of Architecture, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Apr-1988The Study of Traditional EnvironmentsUnited States
Opening remarks,
at the International Symposium on Traditional Dwellings and Settlements, held at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Nov-1987Towards a Cross Cultural Interpretation of City FormUnited States
at the Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Los Angeles, California.
Nov-1987On the Physical Form of the Pre Industrial Muslim CityUnited States
at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association, Baltimore, Maryland.
Oct-1987The Concept of Urban Renewal: Comparative NotesUnited States
at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Housing Science, Berlin, Germany.
Jun-1987Interpreting the Form of Urban Space: Open Space and Urban Activity in a Cross Cultural PerspectiveCanada
at the Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA 18 Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
Jul-1986Ethics and Housing Policy in the Third WorldUnited States
Invited speaker,
at EDGE: Ethics of Development in the Global Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
Apr-1986Notes on the Islamic CityUnited States
at the Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA 17 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Jul-1984Urban Space in the Islamic City of CairoTurkey
at the Seminar on Housing in the Islamic City, Islamic Capitals Organization Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
Sep-1983Preserving the Spaces of the Islamic City, A Case Study of CairoSyria
at The International Symposium for the Conservation of the Old City of Aleppo, Syrian Architects Syndicate & the University of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria.
Dec-1982Small Towns versus New Towns: An Assessment of National Development Policies in the Middle EastThailand
at Small Town in National Development: Towards Rural Urban Integration in Developing Countries, International Symposium, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
Sep-1982Some Patterns in Islamic Urban Design: The Role of Space, Past and PresentUnited States
at the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, Annual Conference on Science and Technology for Muslim World Development, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
Apr-1981Lessons from the Past: Facade Architecture of Medieval CairoUnited States
Invited paper,
at the American Research Center in Egypt, Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Jan-1981Some Visual Aspects of Streets in Medieval CairoUnited States
Invited paper,
at the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and MIT Annual Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Mar-1979Agricultural Development versus Urban DevelopmentEgypt
at International Youth Congress on Food and Development, Cairo, Egypt.
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