2012 | “Neither Homogeneity nor Heterogeneity: Modernism’s Struggles in the Muslim World,” |
in Homogenisation of Representations,edited byModjtabaSadria,Paris: Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2012. |
2009 | “Academic-Professional Linkage: A Reassessment” |
in Doctoral Education in Architecture Compendium 2: A Collection of Papers on the Status and Direction of Doctoral Programs in Architecture and Environmental Design, edited by Douglad Noble, PhDiA: Vol. 4, 63-69, 2009. |
2009 | “Identity, Culture, and Urbanism: Remarks from Colonialism to Globalization,” |
in The Multiple Faces of Identity in the Designed Environment, Architectural Design and Global Difference Research Group, 18-27. Nottingham Trent University, 2009. |
2006 | “Consuming Heritage or the End of Tradition: The New Challenges of Globalization,” |
in New Heritage: Beyond Verisimilitude, edited by Thomas Kvan and Yehuda Kalay, 212-227. The University of Hong Kong, 2006. |
1996 | “A Database Approach to Modeling Medieval Cities,” |
with Yehuda Kalay and Ame Elliot, in Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy, edited by P. McIntosh and F. Ozel, 110-120. ACADIA Conference Proceedings, 1996. |
1995 | “An al-TurathWa al-Haweya,” |
in ImaraTaqlidia, edited by M. Haramy and J. Alawi. Bahrain Mohandseen, 1995 (in Arabic). [“On Heritage and Identity,” in Traditional Architecture: Theory and Practice, Bahrain: Bahrain Society of Engineers, 1995], pp. 257-268. |
1993 | “Balance and Imbalance: The Islamic Middle Eastern City between Traditional and Modernity,” |
in Reading and Design of the Physical Environment, 26-29. Urbino, Italy: International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design, 1993. |
1992 | “Teaching Climate-Energy Consciousness: A Collaborative Approach in the Architecture Design Studio,” |
(with Gail Brager). In National Solar Energy Conference Proceedings, 1992. |
1992 | “Ph.D. Programs in Architecture and the Professional-Academic Linkage,” |
(with Gary Brown). In Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Conference Proceedings, Spring 1992. |
1987 | “Interpreting the Form of Urban Space: Open Space and Urban Functions in a Cross Cultural Context” |
(with Kate Bristol and S.F. Lin). In Public Environments: Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association, edited by Joan Harvey and Don Henning, 141-152. EDRA Publications, 1987. |
1986 | “Notes on the Islamic City: Aspects of Physical and Non Physical Structure,” |
in The Cost of Not Knowing: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, edited by Richard Barnes, Jean Wineman and Craig Zimring, 15-22. Omni Press: Madison, Wisconsin, 1986. |
1985 | “The Design and Planning of Housing: A Report on Conferences in Developing Countries,” |
in CongresoInternacional de la Vivienda: Nuevos Methods de Construccion y Financiamiento, edited by Oktay Ural, Raul Galindo, and Carlos Aguirre, Vol. 2, 450-460. Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria: Vina del Mar, Chile, 1985. |
1985 | “Urban Space in the Muslim City” |
in Housing in the Islamic City, edited byAdbulbaki Ibrahim. Islamic Capitals Organization: Riyadh, 1985 (in Arabic). |
1983 | “Small Towns versus New Towns: An Assessment of National Development Policies in Egypt,” |
in Equity with Growth: Planning Perspectives for Small Towns in Developing Countries, edited by DetlefKammeier and Peter Swan, 499-510.Bangkok, Thailand :Asian Institute of Technology Press, 1983. |